
Alternative Attribute Bars 作者: buldezir

Just a little restyle of original hp/mp/spfull support of gamepad modeBulDeZir#1079https://gitlab.com/teso-addons/alt-attributesPLEASE SUBMIT ISSUES/REQUESTS here: https://gitlab.com/teso-addons/alt-attributes/-/issues

Bandits Aligned Health Bars 作者: XiiDraco

This addon depends on Bandits User Interface.This addon forces all of the curve frame player health bars and target bars to be left (bottom) aligned, similar to the blades curved health bar style.There are no options as there is only one functionality

DiabloFrames 作者: buldezir

enjoy.code by BulDeZir#1079art/texture work by Forsion#1098https://gitlab.com/teso-addons/diablo-framesPLEASE SUBMIT ISSUES/REQUESTS here: https://gitlab.com/teso-addons/diablo-frames/-/issues

Fancy Action Bar 作者: andy.s

This addon shows both weapon bars and tracks durations of your active skills. Its main goal is to be as lightweight as possible and fine tune each tracked ability to show only most useful effects.Features1. Highlighted active skills and current weapon ba

FCO Gamepad Button Textures 作者: Baertram

FCO Gamepad Button TexturesThis addon will allow you to change the PC's gamepad button textures from Xbox One to also PS4 or PS5.Everywhere in the game where the replaced xbox texture was shown your selected texture (ps4, ps5) will show then.Not all t

No More Sticky Wheels 作者: M0R

This addon will stop you from changing the quick slot wheel while in combat.It is a small addon intended only to stop the bug where the quick slot wheel would get stuck on the screen after switching in combat.