
Alternative Attribute Bars 作者: buldezir

Just a little restyle of original hp/mp/spfull support of gamepad modeBulDeZir#1079https://gitlab.com/teso-addons/alt-attributesPLEASE SUBMIT ISSUES/REQUESTS here: https://gitlab.com/teso-addons/alt-attributes/-/issues

SmartClick 作者: Crunatus

The addon allows you to fine-tune the use of skills, protecting against missclicks and overcasting buffs.Each skill can be assigned with its role of behavior.LockedThe skill is completely blocked.One-time actionThe skill cannot be reused while the prev

Pet Health Bars 作者: Ace'r

Pet Health Bars is an addon which adds groupframe style health bars for your pets.This addon is mainly targeted at the three Sorcerer pets (scamp, matriarch and atronach), but also works for other pets such as shadowrend and Nightblade's shadeCurrent Fea

NoInnerLight 作者: Jarva

Prevents accidental usage of Inner Light and Camouflaged Hunter during your rotation.This addon is currently unmaintained.If you're interested in maintaining it, please message Jarva on ESOUI.Can be optionally enabled in PvP zones.DependenciesLibAddonM

Skill Bar Presets 作者: Murzilka

This AddOn allows you to save and manage your action bars into presets for your characters and companions.You can manage all your presets via the Skills Window. Fast switch between your role and game mode: Tank, DPS, PVP, Healing, AOE, etc.Saving a Pr

MMO Mouse Bar 作者: DarkPhalanx

This addons is inspired by the Luminary Action Bar which is outdated and not maintaned by the author. Recently I decided to build that functionality from scratch.Personally I use this to rearrange my actionbar buttons to match the thumb buttons on my MMO

Timing Bars 作者: Soleya

This addon shows both skill bars at the same time. it also shows how much time is remaining on a buff or ability.This addon is a work in progress and may contain bugs. I decided to make it public after using for years.Note: This may not be compatible wi

CombatTopHealthbar 作者: Masteroshi430

CombatTopHealthbar hides the top center Monster/boss/player/NPC big health bar when you are not in combat so it allows more immersion and being surprised by an enemy - Players', companions' and NPCs' big health bars are Always hidden. - Guards' big hea

Bandits Execution 作者: ReaktorDTR

The extension adds a new Execution section to Bandits User Interface.It provides options to configure a target frame when a target's health goes under some threshold.