
Bar Swap Feedback 作者: KnightofOsiris

ABOUTBar Swap Feedback provides a visual notification next to the combat reticle (with an optional audio sound effect) when switching between your two ability bars.OPTIONSOptions are available to let you change the notification style (i.e. text or graphi

Daily Craft Status 作者: czerepx

Going too soon to the daily writ Quartermaster, again?This simple status bar tells you whether you are good to go to Quartermaster to turn in your daily crafts.Color CodingGreen - craft done, you can turn the quest inYellow - all remaining items can be f

Potion Taken Sound Fix & Alerts 作者: Trader08

v1.10 Performance Optimizations UpdateNEW! v1.09-Text-to-chat options that can be read by ESO's Accessibility Narrate Chat settingv1.10- Performance optimizations + Liquid efficiency fix + Accessibility text color optionsYou can always have your say in

Fancy Action Bar 作者: andy.s

This addon shows both weapon bars and tracks durations of your active skills. Its main goal is to be as lightweight as possible and fine tune each tracked ability to show only most useful effects.Features1. Highlighted active skills and current weapon ba

Hyperion Combat Master 作者: hyperiong

DescriptionHyperion Combat Master (HCM) is a set of useful features to help improve one's combat effectiveness. All features are independent of each other and can be toggled and customized to your needs.Features - Active Bar Indicator : Keep eyes on wha

Combat Auras (Ability Timers) 作者: Darianopolis

IMPORTANT: I no longer play ESO and can't actively maintain this addon.I have enabled "Allow Updates & AddOns" if someone wants to keep this release working with new ESO API and library changes.Anyone is absolutely free to use this addon and ada

Lawful Necromancy 作者: muh

With the introducton of Criminal Acts on certain Necromancer abilities, there have been a lot of accidental summons in cities and villages across Tamriel. This addon is meant to prevent use of summoning abilities in open world content. As well as Werewolf

Medusa - OUTDATED 作者: Aaxc

Medusa Trial helperRequired Add-Ons:LibAddonMenu-2.0As this addon has been on life support for last two Chapters, I'm stopping support for it and might remove it. Thank you all, who used it over all these years.As per popular demand, I updated with

Pet Health Bars 作者: Ace'r

Pet Health Bars is an addon which adds groupframe style health bars for your pets.This addon is mainly targeted at the three Sorcerer pets (scamp, matriarch and atronach), but also works for other pets such as shadowrend and Nightblade's shadeCurrent Fea