
Sort By Quantity 作者: PacificOshie

SortByQuantity provides a way to sort your inventory by item quantity.This addon displays a clickable header to sort items by quantity in your backpack or craft bag, your bank, house storage, and the guild bank.Also provides sorting materials to refine

Collection bars 作者: Jarth

Overview: (Show settings: "/cb")With this addon you can display selected collections (Default hotkey: "U") as bars in the UI.The bars can be shown as a part of a combined bar, or as a separate bar.OptionalDependsOn: LibDebugLoggerThe settings panel co

PocketChange 作者: Shadowfen

Depends on the following (separately installed) libraries: LibSFUtils, LibAddonMenuPocketChange is a simple automatic manager for the currency that you carry in your pocket. You set levels for: gold, alliance points, telvar stones, and writ vouchers

GuildBankMule 作者: Xorzoo

with guild bank open, type slash command:Code:/gbmthis will transfer all "Materials" from backpack to current guild bankCode:/gbm.scanthis will do a dry run and print out what will be depositedAdded Roomba support, will kick re-stacking if guild ba

JunkHotkey 作者: Maxxermax

The Stand-Alone version of JunkHotkey extracted from the AddOn Dustman to set a Hotkey to mark/unmark items in the Inventory as Junk.Nothing fancy.This Addon can work fine as an addition to Deconstruction Junk MarkerNow fully compatible with FCO Compan

Caro's Worn Sets 作者: Irniben

A simple addon that adds a small window to your UI telling you how many pieces of which set you are wearing.It will colorize entries if sets are incomplete. You can use the settings to customize the colors (three cases with different colors: problem/pote

Currency Tracker 作者: TheInfiniti352

This addon aims to help you managing you currencies.Currently, it warns the player when your event tickets reach a chosen threshold to be sure to spend them on time and not losing some because of it.It also provide the same type of warning for writ vouc

Dressing Room integration for Auto Category 作者: Xandaros

General InfoAdds a function to the Auto Category filter that allows you to categorize gear that is in one or more of your Dressing Room sets.Signature of that function is:Code:dressingroom(set: number, ...)If you don't provide an argument, it will m

Shadowfen's Default Guild Bank 作者: Shadowfen

This addon allows you to set which Guild Bank you start off in when you select Guild Bank from the Banker. The original behavior of the game is to open up the Guild Bank for the first guild in your guild list; and then when you change it, the game rememb

Potent Nirncrux Alert - Loot Alert 作者: notnear

Dependencies:LibAddonMenuYes, the surprise of opening your bag after hours of mindless farming thinking you got no potent nirncrux just to realise you actually got some is nice, but if you would want the game to jump scare you with a sound a big red mess