
Sort By Quantity 作者: PacificOshie

SortByQuantity provides a way to sort your inventory by item quantity.This addon displays a clickable header to sort items by quantity in your backpack or craft bag, your bank, house storage, and the guild bank.Also provides sorting materials to refine

Auto Category - Revised 作者: Shadowfen

Depends on the following (separately installed) libraries: LibSFUtils, LibAddonMenu-2.0, LibMediaProvider-1.0, and LibDebugLoggerThe following (separately installed) library is recommended (but not required): LibCharKnowledgeAuto Category adds categorie

Quick Destroy 作者: DrunkKittens

Destroy/delete items in your inventory with the push of a button!CAUTION: Destroys item stack and skips confirmation warning. Navigate to Esc>Controls>Addon Keybinds>User Interface Shortcuts>Quick Destroy to bind your destroy key(s).

Advanced Filters - Updated 作者: Baertram

Please read the description and check screenshots at the original addon page:Original addon: AdvancedFiltersFinally, Advanced Filters! The default inventory has type filters, but they're still WAY too broad. This add-on fixes that!Features:Main invento

Rulebased Inventory 作者: TaxTalis

Automated item distribution/action management (Bag, Bank, Junk, Use, Deconstruct, Sell, Fence, Launder, Destroy, Notify, CraftBag, FcoisMarking), where YOU rule! (this means: YOU have to define the rules yourself) (>>Wiki<<) What does it do?A

PerfectPixel 作者: KLISK

In developing!Please write me about all the shortcomings.Required libraries: LibAddonMenuAddon changes the style of windows and expands the list of inventory.See screenshots.Slash commands:"/pp" - Settings menu.Attention! For correct display, the scr

DecoTrack 作者: Cardinal05

DecoTrackAutomatically maintain a database of the furniture items you have throughout all of your homes, characters, bank, storage coffers and storage chests.Just visiting your bank, your homes and your storage chests and coffers catalogs the furniture p

ElderScrollsOfAlts 作者: Echomap

Addon/mod for Elder Scrolls Online - to keep general track of alts*Depends On: LibAddonMenu-2.0. So please install separately* Currently with a minimal UI, basic sorting, and at least some of the details I want to store/show. This addon only knows about

ODT 作者: black dragon

Initialement développé pour les officiers de la guilde "Orbe du Temps" cet addon a évolué pour apporter certaines fonctionnalités :• Serment des indomptables (pledges) sur un simple clic• Horloge• Chronomètre• Performances• Statistiques in

PocketChange 作者: Shadowfen

Depends on the following (separately installed) libraries: LibSFUtils, LibAddonMenuPocketChange is a simple automatic manager for the currency that you carry in your pocket. You set levels for: gold, alliance points, telvar stones, and writ vouchers