
Auto Category - Revised 作者: Shadowfen

Depends on the following (separately installed) libraries: LibSFUtils, LibAddonMenu-2.0, LibMediaProvider-1.0, and LibDebugLoggerThe following (separately installed) library is recommended (but not required): LibCharKnowledgeAuto Category adds categorie

Auto Category - Revised plugin for Resea... 作者: Saenic

A plugin for Auto Category - Revised to support Research Assistant.This adds a new function to AutoCategory called keepresearchassistant() which is only true if the item can be researched by your main crafting character set in ResearchAssistant (e.g. wh

AutoBank 作者: one_kharin

When a bank is opened, it automatically replenishes the bank's stock from the inventory. Sends only those things that are in the bank.

Autobanker (Automatic Bank Deposit) 作者: r4cken

This AddOn is under current development and will be updated and maintained for fixes and future feature additions AutobankerThis is a simple and small addon that allows you to select certain items to be automatically deposited.Autobanker will consider

AutoBind 作者: ShinyBones

This is a simple addon that should help to bind items more easily which have not yet been unlocked in your collection.How to use:When the addon is initialised for the first time, it does nothing without further interaction.You can use the slash command

AutoTrans 作者: Petomatick

Automatically opens transmute geodes whenever you loot.No interface, no dependencies.Technical description:Whenever a slot in the players inventory is updated, up to once every 3 seconds, scan the inventory for geodes then attempt to open them. If mult