
Mag Bank Settings 作者: Magnum1997

Mag BankSettingsThis add-on changes the default bank screen in Elder Scrolls Online.A problem I often run into is, that I am often in a hurry to dump loot in the bank and get back to more pillaging. So I go open my bank but then I fill up my bag instea

Auto Category - Revised plugin for Resea... 作者: Saenic

A plugin for Auto Category - Revised to support Research Assistant.This adds a new function to AutoCategory called keepresearchassistant() which is only true if the item can be researched by your main crafting character set in ResearchAssistant (e.g. wh

KelaPadUI Gamepad UI 作者: rkirgizov

Hi! A new update is ready with the trading module, where you can see a lot of trading information and earn your first million by playing with the gamepad interface )))Lyrical digressionComrades, friends! Please share information about this add-on in your

MatCalc 作者: Claymourn

I might go through and update this sometime, but probably not. Sorry.Images Coming Soon (maybe)Tool for guild leaders, or just people who feel like knowing how much the materials sent in a mail are worth.This will spam your chat a fair bit, so be caref

UnDead's Harvest Summary 作者: UnDead 0rbit

3.0 Update-Massive Code Rewrite-Imports all previously saved data, shouldn't need to reinput custom fields, but in the case of issues, delete the saved variables and reload-All user-requested features coming soonUI to Track Your Harvested Items.Shows

MetaCheck 作者: Ulrich

MetaCheck. This addon uses code from Garkins CritPercent addon released under MIT license.Description:Shows on tooltips of viable sets what they are used for.Included gear sets were selected by examining what is currently used in endgame builds. They a

CraftBagger 作者: Cuhlen

CraftBaggerThe CraftBagger addon is an Elder Scrolls Online utility with a singular purpose: To export the contents of your craftbag(s) to disk so that the data can be pulled into Excel or other tools for analysis.This addon uses the following optional

Better Antiquities Journal 作者: DH8Wolf

Always shows if the player has a lead for an antiquity and the lead's expiration date.Plans:- Show lead status for antiquity sets

EZConfirm 作者: Leg

An AddOn that automatically types Confirm or Destroy (depending on the in game circumstance) for the player in order to quicken the inventory management pace to slightly faster than that of a slug.

Advanced Filters - ESO base game locked... 作者: Baertram

This is a plugin addon for AdvancedFilters.You will be able to filter your inventory tabs to only show ESO base game locked or unlocked items.