
GeodeOpener 作者: Deividgp

Addon to open geodes automatically (settings) or by using a command (/go or /geodeopener).It's still in beta so might not work properly yet. Will probably add more settings such as opening geodes once you finish a pledge or when you take mail attachments

Luck Meter: Critical Strikes 作者: Psiioniic

beta release:It should in general work, but for some classes/sets there might be still issues, as only a small fraction has been tested yet. Please report bugs or feature requests in the comments.Info Update 32: Something seems to be wrong with Sorc pet

CraftbagRunner 作者: ShadowMau

Dump the contents of your crafting bag into a fileI was curious, so I cobbled this together. Not pretty, but it is more intended as a proof-of-concept / informational than actually practical. Basically this will dump the entire list of items in the craft

Gold! 作者: TheSpyridon

Lazarus 作者: g0dpain

BETAThis addon tracks who how much a player revived you.Also, it shows who you revived and also, how often.This addon is still beta phase. But the base functionality is working.It DOES NOT start with ESO. You have to start it yourself.You may have to

ChatAlert 作者: c0r73x

A small chat addon where you can specify keywords (for example your nickname) that when triggered will give you a notification in your whispers. Kind of how @ tagging works in Discord but you specify your own keywords.Great for guildleaders or officers w

Where Are You 作者: kadeer

Currently in Betathis is just an example for using Lib3DArrow but it works pretty goodLibraries NeededLib3DArrowLib3DLibGPSLibMapPingThis is a Demo for Lib3dArrow, it creates 3D arrows pointing to Way Points and Rally points which have been set b