Bahsei's Damage Bonus Tracker 作者: KermitTheFrog88

A simple interface tracker for Bahsei's set damage bonus. Displays player magicka % and associated Bahsei's set damage bonus. Optional out of combat magicka dump on screen reminder/alert. Reminder is based on user defined magicka threshold % (great for pr

BSCs-PillagersProfit 作者: BloodStainCHild

Simple addon to Track the new "Ult" set, Pillagers ProfitAutomatical shows up when 5 items of the set quiped.Middle number (white) how many groupmembers in range from the set.Middle number (Red) Countdown when you can apply it to your group again."Ult

Powerful Assault Tracker 作者: Hyperioxes

Tracks Powerful Assault on group members and checks if they're in rangeDependencies:-LibAddonMenu

ExoYs ProcSet Timer 作者: ExoY

Version 2.11.1 added AegisCaller and FlameBlossomVersion 2.10.0 added U35 Dungeon Sets and AlkoshProvides usefull information for various sets with active effects!This addon creates an icon on your screen to indicate the status of your proc sets, cooldo