Reminderz 作者: Toirealach

Do you die during a trial boss or in PvP just to realize that you forgot to eat or drink your buff food before it ran out?Are you trying to loot corpses but you can't because your inventory is full? *NEW*Are you leveling a new toon and keep forgetting t

Grubmaster Food, Drink & EXP Auto Co... 作者: Masteroshi430

NOTE: The code of this addon has been implemented in PersonalAssistant if you prefer using an all-in-one addon I'd likely update the code in Personal Assistant rather than this addon but we'll see how thing goes in the future.This is Grubmaster

Eventor 作者: Ek1

One stop event add-on about the numerous ticket giving ESO events to keep track what you have done, how many and when. Keeps up your exp buff too. Also warns if you can't fit any more tickets.To be grown as a one stop event add-on that also tells what to

BSCs-PillagersProfit 作者: BloodStainCHild

Simple addon to Track the new "Ult" set, Pillagers ProfitAutomatical shows up when 5 items of the set quiped.Middle number (white) how many groupmembers in range from the set.Middle number (Red) Countdown when you can apply it to your group again."Ult

ODT 作者: black dragon

Initialement développé pour les officiers de la guilde "Orbe du Temps" cet addon a évolué pour apporter certaines fonctionnalités :• Serment des indomptables (pledges) sur un simple clic• Horloge• Chronomètre• Performances• Statistiques in

Bahsei's Damage Bonus Tracker 作者: KermitTheFrog88

A simple interface tracker for Bahsei's set damage bonus. Displays player magicka % and associated Bahsei's set damage bonus. Optional out of combat magicka dump on screen reminder/alert. Reminder is based on user defined magicka threshold % (great for pr

FCO PsijicUndoHelper (Undo/Temproal Guar... 作者: Baertram

FCO PsijicUndoHelperThis addon depends on the following libraries:LibAddonMenu-2.0Provides a movable UI which shows your atributes (health, magicka, stamina) 4 seconds before the current time, to provide you a visual help for the Psijic ultimate skill "U

Group Synergy Tracker : Scribes of Fate 作者: sora0v0

Original is it.GroupSynergyTrackerSynergy IDs were changed on new version.This fixing can move synergy timers on this addon.Synergy list :Orbs/ShardsConduitHarvestPurifyGrave Robber (Boneyard)Pure AgonyBone ShieldBlood AltarSpiders