OdyHybridHeal 作者: Odylon

Originally developed as private addon back when playing Z'en and Martial Knowledge as healer became a thing - hence the name HybridHeal - it since then has grown to a full blown toolkit for healers.UI elements can be moved in mouse-mode, all settings ar

Bahsei's Damage Bonus Tracker 作者: KermitTheFrog88

A simple interface tracker for Bahsei's set damage bonus. Displays player magicka % and associated Bahsei's set damage bonus. Optional out of combat magicka dump on screen reminder/alert. Reminder is based on user defined magicka threshold % (great for pr

OmNomNom 作者: Werewolf Finds Dragon

BuffTimers2 作者: uta.karas

I decided to maintain BuffTimers addon.What is this exactly?With this you can make completely stand-alone timer bars for one specific spell each. You just go in settings (see pictures), choose how many bars you want, and then choose for every bar what sp

BSCs-AdvancedSynergy 作者: BloodStainCHild

This Addon allows you to block some Synergys for example "Portal in Cloudrest as Healer"You are able to fully customize it and also can create "Presets" this allows you to have on every character different settings 1. Option to Lokke Check, block Syner

Miat's Shadow Image 作者: dorrino

This is a standalone version of my shadow image code implemented as a part of pvp alerts.It provides an icon on the screen when your shadow image is up.The icon has shadow image duration is seconds and if you're on the weapon bar with shadow image skill

Riptide Tracker 作者: ZaiZah

Tracker for Coral Riptide's damage bonus, Displays players current weapon/spell damage boost from Riptide's set bonus.New FeaturesNew Minimal Icon themeMore customisations for the displaysFeatures:Hide tracker when out of combat (optional)Save and

Overload Timer 作者: Wheels

Description:Displays when you gain the Voltaic Overload debuff in the Cloudrest trial, and counts down until the debuff is over.Customize size/color/position in the settings menu.If you find any issue with it please report them so they can be fixed.

PhinixUI 作者: Phinix

Stunning 作者: Architectura

Know when you are stunned in combat... the moment that it happens.Never be stunned, knocked back, pulled, chained, interrupted or feared again without immediately realizing what happened. This add-on will make the situation abundantly clear by silencing