
ExoYs Tributes Enhancement 作者: ExoY

This addon provides some simple but usefull additions to the new card games "Tales of Tribute", which is released with the High Isle Chapter.Dependencies: LibExoYsUtilities, LibAddonMenuThis addon provides Time left for current turnButton to whisper

Kyoma's Global Achievements 作者: Kyoma

Do you value looking at your achievements? Do you like to brag about your accomplishments but have to hop around characters for raids and other high-end content? Then this addon might be for you!IMPORTANT CHANGEThis addon depends on the following librar

Urich's/Vastaryous Skill Point Finder 作者: vastaryous

This is a continuation of Urich's Skill Point Finder, which adds compatibility with Blackwood.Huge thanks to fritzOSU03 and Onigar for the original add-on.https://www.esoui.com/downloads/info1863-UrichsSkillPointFinder.html

Gear overview 作者: ronnie.vd.c

This addon provides an interface to display what items you have in a set in your bank or bag, primarily to verify sets to give roles in discord guilds.If you have Inventory Insight installed. This addon lists also your gear on other characters.Dependenci

Pet Dead Alert 作者: rockingdice

RockingDice's Pet Dead AlertThis simple add-on will alert you when your pet is dead in combat.You may try Channel Skill Helper if you want to summon your pet and use its active skill in sequence by spamming the skill button.

Mighty Experience Bar 作者: MightyWrath

AboutElder Scrolls Online add-on to customise the Experience Bar to always show it or automatically hide it.Allows you to set the visibility of the experience bar to be Always Shown or Automatically Hidden.Adds a progression label on the experience ba

Character Achievements 作者: silvereyes

Modifies the quest journal in Update 33 to display archived character achievements data from @code65536's excellent LibAchievementsArchive addon.Known Issues and LimitationsAchievements earned after Update 33 goes live will still be account-wide. This ad

Achievement Updates 作者: DavidJCobb

Achievement Updates displays achievement progress in real-time.FeaturesWidget can be moved around the screen. A drag handle appears whenever you turn on the UI cursor.Updates display for seven seconds, and then fade and slide out of view.Updates displa