
Random Dungeon Timer Countdown 作者: SimpsForBreda

Shameless one-off of adrenalinetaco's excellent Random Dungeon Timer addon:https://www.esoui.com/downloads/info3358-RandomDungeonTimer.htmlModified to show countdown on HUD at all times, rather than being available only via chat commands on demand; help

Pithka Achievement Exporter 作者: worhello

DependenciesThis addon depends on the following addons and won't load without themPithkasAchievementTrackerLibCopyWindowDescriptionThis is a small helper utility to help with exporting Achievement Data, to be used in conjunction with the below website t

Urich's/Vastaryous Skill Point Finder 作者: vastaryous

This is a continuation of Urich's Skill Point Finder, which adds compatibility with Blackwood.Huge thanks to fritzOSU03 and Onigar for the original add-on.https://www.esoui.com/downloads/info1863-UrichsSkillPointFinder.html

Lykeion's Home Sweet Home - Dedicated ke... 作者: Lykeion

A simple addon that allow you to set a keybinding to jump to Sugar Bowl Suite. You can also use slash command "/hshj" to jump directly.I'm pretty sure that there should be other addons that enable teleportation to specific houses. But the Sugar Bowl Suit

Companions Companion (Rapport+) 作者: AnotherORC

Companions Companion adds companion rapport information to a new tab on companion overview screen. This includes which activities will give you rapport and which ones will take it away.A notification system has also been included to remind you when activ

Caro's CraftStore Marker Extension 作者: Irniben

This is a small extension for CraftStore FoA.It adds a red X in chat to every motif, recipe or furnishing plan that at least one of your characters tracked by CraftStore hasn't learned yet. You don't have to configure this addon, just make sure the righ

Alliance Rank Progress 作者: DustyWarehouse

This addon displays an Alliance Rank progress bar on your UI with alliance icon, rank icon, rank name and the amount of alliance points to go for your next rank.French translation by Skar.Options include: Only show the bar in PvP zonesColour scheme (y

Gear overview 作者: ronnie.vd.c

This addon provides an interface to display what items you have in a set in your bank or bag, primarily to verify sets to give roles in discord guilds.If you have Inventory Insight installed. This addon lists also your gear on other characters.Dependenci