
Urich's/Vastaryous Skill Point Finder 作者: vastaryous

This is a continuation of Urich's Skill Point Finder, which adds compatibility with Blackwood.Huge thanks to fritzOSU03 and Onigar for the original add-on.https://www.esoui.com/downloads/info1863-UrichsSkillPointFinder.html

ExoYs Tributes Enhancement 作者: ExoY

This addon provides some simple but usefull additions to the new card games "Tales of Tribute", which is released with the High Isle Chapter.Dependencies: LibExoYsUtilities, LibAddonMenuThis addon provides Time left for current turnButton to whisper

Aenathel's Lazy Antiquarian 作者: Aenathel

This add-on allows you to scry for the best scryable antiquity, by rarity, in your current zone using a keybind.You can choose to only scry repeatable antiquities and/or only scry activities up to a certain difficulty.By default, Smart Scry only conside

Caro's CraftStore Marker Extension 作者: Irniben

This is a small extension for CraftStore FoA.It adds a red X in chat to every motif, recipe or furnishing plan that at least one of your characters tracked by CraftStore hasn't learned yet. You don't have to configure this addon, just make sure the righ

FCM Quest Tracker 作者: d2allgr

Update to FCM Quest TrackerChanges:API changed to 100032LibAddonMenu-2.0, LibDialog, LibCustomMenu, LibMediaProvider-1.0 and LibMsgWin-1.0 are no longer included and should be installed separately.

BSCs-AntiCombatInteract 作者: BloodStainCHild

LibrariesThis Addon depends on the following libraries:No libs are needed This addon is quit simple, everyone knows how annoying it is to be in a raid as group/guild leader trying to resurrecting a mate and the interaction menu shows up and kicking som