
Historical Achievement Credit 作者: code65536

This addon shows the historical character-specific achievement credit for achievements earned prior to Update 33.Note: This addon requires LibAchievementsArchive. If you did not download LibAchievementsArchive prior to Update 33 and archive your character

Completionist's Lists 作者: rosadogg

This is an addon for those that like to make lists and graphs in excel / open office calculator / google sheets or any other place you can import CSV files to!Export Lists in CSV format of your currently logged in character known Motifs, Provisioning Rec

Title List Search Box 作者: perfiction

Description:Too many titles? Scrolling through the list takes ages?This addon adds floating search box above title dropdown list.Both keyboard and gamepad UI are supported.Search works with all languages and is case insensitive.

Character Zone Tracker 作者: silvereyes

PSA: silvereyes is no longer playing ESO, so this addon is looking for a new maintainer. Please reach out to Dolby via PM if you want to take ownership of this addon.FeaturesTracks character zone completion for delves, world bosses and world events.Sho

ExoYs Achievement Anonymizer 作者: ExoY

With the introduction of Accountwide Achivements you don't really care, who was the first character you got an achievement with? Then ExoY's Achievement Anonymizer is what you are looking for! It will hide all instances within the achievement tab which

Character Achievements 作者: silvereyes

Modifies the quest journal in Update 33 to display archived character achievements data from @code65536's excellent LibAchievementsArchive addon.Known Issues and LimitationsAchievements earned after Update 33 goes live will still be account-wide. This ad

Honestly-Earned Achievements 作者: silvereyes

PSA: silvereyes is no longer playing ESO, so this addon is looking for a new maintainer. Please reach out to Dolby via PM if you want to take ownership of this addon.This is a very simple addon that hides the "Earned by" tooltips for any achievement tha