
ESO-Skillfactory.com Build Export 作者: Keldor

Supported Client LanguagesDescriptionThis AddOn provides a chat command to simply export your current build to the build planer of ESO-Skillfactory.comThe following is exported to the Build Planer:Learned SkillsThe characters Action BarsAttribute Poi

Endeavor Chat Tracker 作者: Keldor

Supported Client LanguagesWhat It DoesTracks the status of your uncompleted Endeavors and prints progress updates to the chat.SupportI am happy about every supporter who wants to support my projects via Buy me a Coffee or Patreon!Click on the Buy me a

EmoteKEKW - Emote Addon (Twitch, Franker... 作者: voidbiscuit

# EmoteKEKWThis addon adds a variety of Emotes from Twitch, FrankerZ, and BetterTTV to ESO!A full list of emotes can be found in the addon settings.Type `:kekw:` to get startedIf you find any bugs, please let me know ASAP## Known "features"- Some of t

ClearChat 作者: Saint-Ange

Clear the current chat tab with a keybind or the command /clearchat

Auto Recruit 作者: peniku8

Recruiting was never easier - Auto Recruit is the perfect tool for guildmasters, officers and dedicated recruiters:The addon can paste recruitment ads via hotkeys, automatically invite players to your guild of choice when they whisper you a certain keyw

AdBlock 作者: peniku8

AdBlock can hide chat messages of the following types:- Loot/carry run sellers- Guild adverts- Crown trades (wtb wts)- Item trades (wtb wts)- nTrial runs- vTrial runs- HyperlinksIt will hide messages from zone, say, yell and en-zone chatrooms.