
ZoneNameLogger 作者: Coorbin

Very simple addon that logs to chat whenever you change zones. The format is "--Entered (Zone Name)--"You can turn the addon on/off using the /znl chat command. The command will first switch it on/off and then tell you the current status of it.Subtly di

Zone Chat for Group Activities only 作者: Shawn5150

Filter Zone Chat Filter to only display Pug/PvP activities.This addOn will filter Zone Chat according to a word list in order to prevent spam messages from Guilds, sellers, bots, etc.It will detect and let through messages about group activities such a

Votan's Craglorn Dungeon Codes 作者: votan

DescriptionThis addon translates the group-dungeon and trial codes of all dungeons und trials to localized names.You just type the text as usual and everybody, using the addon, will get the localized name added to the chat text. It works with all (cust

VisitHouse 作者: TheNickm2

Requires LibSlashCommanderThis addon allows you to easily teleport to any player's residence - as long as you have the required permission to enter the player's house - all from the ESO built-in chat box.This addon is exclusively used via the chat comman