
Event Collectibles 作者: code65536

Extended JournalThis addon is a part of the Extended Journal, which is a collection of addons comprised of Loot Log, Item Set Browser, Character Knowledge, and Event Collectibles.External DependenciesRequired:NoneRecommended/Optional:LibMultiAccount

Eventor 作者: Ek1

One stop event add-on about the numerous ticket giving ESO events to keep track what you have done, how many and when. Keeps up your exp buff too. Also warns if you can't fit any more tickets.To be grown as a one stop event add-on that also tells what to

Swiss Knife 作者: Nesferatum

This addon was developed for our own needs and includes those functions that were needed directly by the author, as well as his friends. It has several functional modules, most of the default settings are turned off so that everyone can choose what he

UnDead's Harvest Summary 作者: UnDead 0rbit

3.0 Update-Massive Code Rewrite-Imports all previously saved data, shouldn't need to reinput custom fields, but in the case of issues, delete the saved variables and reload-All user-requested features coming soonUI to Track Your Harvested Items.Shows

Item Set Collection Tracker 作者: zelenin

Addon utilising new ESO feature - item set collections / sticker book.Item Set Collection Tracker adds:inventory iconguild store icontrade window iconchat iconloot notificationsoverall progress barautobind optionnative ui fixesslash commands /pos

History 作者: hisdad

Character Knowledge (Motif, Recipe and F... 作者: code65536

Character Knowledge tracks recipe, furnishing plan, and motif knowledge across multiple characters, accounts, and servers.Extended JournalThis addon is a part of the Extended Journal, which is a collection of addons comprised of Loot Log, Item Set Browse

Marcus' Guild Management Tool (Poukav CLI) 作者: Marcus Brody

Supported Languages (scrollez vers le bas pour la documentation FR) Dependencies:LibAddonMenuLibHistoireMasterMerchantOptional dependencies:TamrielTradeCenterCOMING SOON: FULL GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE WITH ALL THE PREVIOUS CLI FEATURES AND MORE!! Addon