
Completionist's Lists 作者: rosadogg

This is an addon for those that like to make lists and graphs in excel / open office calculator / google sheets or any other place you can import CSV files to!Export Lists in CSV format of your currently logged in character known Motifs, Provisioning Rec

ESO-Database.com Leaderboard Export AddOn 作者: Keldor

Supported Client LanguagesAddOn DescriptionThis add-on exports the ingame leaderboard data. The data is used among other things to make this available to other developers for their project.You can find the collected data at https://game-data.eso-databa

LibChatMessage 作者: sirinsidiator

For years addon authors have abused the debug methods d(), df() and CHAT_SYSTEM:AddMessage() to show messages in chat or even added text directly to the chat buffer, preventing other addons from interacting with the output. LibChatMessage offers an easy a

CobbDialogueLogger 作者: DavidJCobb

A very, very basic mod for logging all subtitles and menu-based dialogue. Log output is displayed in a textbox in a LibAddonMenu-2 panel with all logged content formatted in UESP-suitable wiki-markup. This means that dialogue will tend to look like this: