
DecoTrack 作者: Cardinal05

DecoTrackAutomatically maintain a database of the furniture items you have throughout all of your homes, characters, bank, storage coffers and storage chests.Just visiting your bank, your homes and your storage chests and coffers catalogs the furniture p

CyroChat 作者: aldericon

CyroChat is an addon born out of constantly being distracted by the many interesting, gross, entertaining, weird, sad, annoying and sometimes down-right insane chat messages that are seen in PVP. I wanted to create something that would take the useful inf

UnDead's Harvest Summary 作者: UnDead 0rbit

3.0 Update-Massive Code Rewrite-Imports all previously saved data, shouldn't need to reinput custom fields, but in the case of issues, delete the saved variables and reload-All user-requested features coming soonUI to Track Your Harvested Items.Shows

SkyShards 作者: AssemblerManiac

ITTs Donation Bot ( ITTDB ) 作者: ghostbane

Dependencies: LibAddonMenu-2.0 LibChatMessage LibGuildRoster LibHistoire LibDebugLoggerLanguages: EN, RU, DE, FROther Addons from ITT:ITTs Roster Bot- Keeps on top of guild rostersITTs Ghostwriter - Backup notes, send welcome mail, set note for newcomer