
Item Set Collection Tracker 作者: zelenin

Addon utilising new ESO feature - item set collections / sticker book.Item Set Collection Tracker adds:inventory iconguild store icontrade window iconchat iconloot notificationsoverall progress barautobind optionnative ui fixesslash commands /pos

Eventor 作者: Ek1

One stop event add-on about the numerous ticket giving ESO events to keep track what you have done, how many and when. Keeps up your exp buff too. Also warns if you can't fit any more tickets.To be grown as a one stop event add-on that also tells what to

Lumberjack - Encounter Logger 作者: Kamaros

Have you ever gotten a new high score in Maelstrom Arena and realized you forgot to log the run? Has your progression group ever gotten stumped on how to improve because there were no logs to analyze? Have you found yourself spending aeons trying to uploa

ESO Grinder 作者: marcjordan

# INTRODUCTIONESO Grinder (EGR) has two components:- EGR "ESO Grinder" is an Elder Scrolls Online addon that monitors loot and saves it to the user's ESO save file.- ESFM "Elder Scrolls Save File Monitor" is Python code that monitors the ESO user save

ITTs Donation Bot ( ITTDB ) 作者: ghostbane

Dependencies: LibAddonMenu-2.0 LibChatMessage LibGuildRoster LibHistoire LibDebugLoggerLanguages: EN, RU, DE, FROther Addons from ITT:ITTs Roster Bot- Keeps on top of guild rostersITTs Ghostwriter - Backup notes, send welcome mail, set note for newcomer

UnDead's Harvest Summary 作者: UnDead 0rbit

3.0 Update-Massive Code Rewrite-Imports all previously saved data, shouldn't need to reinput custom fields, but in the case of issues, delete the saved variables and reload-All user-requested features coming soonUI to Track Your Harvested Items.Shows

CraftBagger 作者: Cuhlen

CraftBaggerThe CraftBagger addon is an Elder Scrolls Online utility with a singular purpose: To export the contents of your craftbag(s) to disk so that the data can be pulled into Excel or other tools for analysis.This addon uses the following optional

ESO-Database.com Game Data Export AddOn 作者: Keldor

Supported Client LanguagesAddOn DescriptionThis add-on exports game-related data such as the location of chests, psijik portals and thieves troves. The data is used among other things to make this available to other developers for their project.You can

Name Language Ninja - Translation assistant 作者: Shinntarou

This add-on outputs names and descriptions of items and skills in other languages to your tooltip.Also can replace some LinkInChat.(in latest version, LinkInChat of Item only.)DependsOn:LibMultilingualNameLibAddonMenu-2.0DependsOn(Optional):Item S

Display Leads - with Location Info 作者: remosito

Credits:Original Detailed Location Information was created by @inklings ( https://www.twitch.tv/inklings ) Thanks so much for letting me use it!Big Thanks as welll to esoui's frozenhamster for transforming @inklings multisheet info into one table for