
New Addon Template 作者: Phuein

Gift me @phuein in-game, if you have extra crowns and appreciate my addons. (Can even ask which DLC I missed.) Thank you!This is not a game addon and it does nothing meaningful.Requirements:LibAddonMenu-2.0 >= 28This is a template for new addons.

esoui-publish 作者: AlbinoPython

esoui-publishA simple node utility that will publish addons to ESOUI.I do not recommend installing from esoui. This only contains the source code and would need to be built. I recommend installing this utility from NPMJS.You can find the latest source

zipme.ps1 作者: manavortex

Script breaks MinionFor some reason, zip files created with this script won't be correctly processed by Minion. I'll leave this here so folks can investigate.A powershell script that zips the current directory to a destination of your choice, excluding