
KharfUi 作者: Kharf

KharfUi. This UI is heavily influenced by www.tukui.org, which is an awesome ui for WoW.Currently it is in an unusable state. Please be aware that this project just started and is under development.I published this project in order to receive early feed

ESO style interface 作者: adrianrostas

New interface for ESO while keeping a similar styleA lot of the code is used from Morrowind Style UIAdd-Ons featured in images:Auto Category - RevisedGear Status ColorPoison MasterIn-game: @Volcano_Beetle send a message if you have any suggestions

Witches Festival 作者: tim99

.No additional libs neededDescription: Adds a small toolbar for completing the golden plunder skullsNotes: the skulls are accountwide, the quest is charwide since you can do it with each char (but i think of removing the quest, doesnt make too much se

Title List Search Box 作者: perfiction

Description:Too many titles? Scrolling through the list takes ages?This addon adds floating search box above title dropdown list.Both keyboard and gamepad UI are supported.Search works with all languages and is case insensitive.

Customisable Immersive HUD Hider 作者: Alfthebigheaded

Allows you to hide specific UI elements on a single key. Completely customizable using a settings menu.Have you ever wanted to immerse yourself whilst questing? Or hide those pesky HUD elements for your role-playing endeavors?One thing that annoyed me

Console Fonts 作者: priom

For those that prefer the console fonts over the default PC UI fonts.This addon changes the Keyboard/Mouse fonts to the ones used in the Gamepad (or console) mode.Addon is very simple and easy to use.Note: I have changed the outline of the nameplates t