
NTak Dialog 作者: NTak

Making tweaking easy: Camera / Dialog / Loot'n'StealIf you want to support my work, you can donate here or even become a patron.⸺ ⋅ ⋅ ⸺ ⋅ ⋅ ⸺ ⋅ ⸺ ⋅ ⸺(Contact me to add another language)DESCRIPTIONThis addon includes many dialog f

NTak Camera 作者: NTak

Making tweaking easy: Camera / Dialog / Loot'n'StealIf you want to support my work, you can donate here or even become a patron.⸺ ⋅ ⋅ ⸺ ⋅ ⋅ ⸺ ⋅ ⸺ ⋅ ⸺(Contact me to add another language)DESCRIPTIONThis addon includes many camera f

NTak Loot'n'Steal 作者: NTak

Making tweaking easy: Camera / Dialog / Loot'n'StealIf you want to support my work, you can donate here or even become a patron.⸺ ⋅ ⋅ ⸺ ⋅ ⋅ ⸺ ⋅ ⸺ ⋅ ⸺(Contact me to add another language)DESCRIPTIONThis addon includes some loot and

Accurate World Map 作者: Thal-J

Accurate World MapREQUIRED LIBRARIES:LibAddonMenu | LibGPS | LibMapPing | LibZoneAboutAccurate World Map (AWM) is the culmination of a months-long endeavour to totally recreate ESO's world map - remastering it in 8k(!) as well as fixing vari

Companion Frame 作者: FlatBadger

RequirementsLibSavedVarsLibAddonMenu-2.0A replacement companion frame, complete with summoning functions.

tim99s Toolbar 作者: tim99

My first addon, started mainly for testing and trying out. At first I didn't want to upload it, but a couple of friends wanted to use it too, so here we are. It started out as a combination of "wykyyds Toolbar", "Info Panel" and "The Elder Bar". I always