
Crosshair Info 作者: iiJonno

Requires LibAddonMenu Moves Class and alliance rank next to health bar Gives options for turning on/off :- CP icon- Alliance Rank- Class Icon- Race- Character Name- TitleWhen in PvP including Cyro,BG,IC,Duels can set name colors by health values

Simple Text Box 作者: ShadowMau

SimpleBox is an adaptation of the Writing Your First Addon tutorial found on the ESOUI Addon Wiki. The original would display "Fighting!" on the screen whenever you are in combat, and then hide the text when you got out of combat. In SimpleBox, this has b

BSCs-UltiPoints 作者: BloodStainCHild

Libraries: No libs are needed Simply Displays Ultimate Points on Death Recap.

Skylike Dialog 作者: CaptTatsu

NewsVersion 1.5 (for Scribes of Fate) is out! Updates for this addon will only receive bugfixes and API version update, otherwise feel free to make an improvised version of this addonAboutWhile ESO have a lot of dialogs, the interface doesn't feel as g

ConspicuousQuestMarkers 作者: Sharlikran

Also try:and**Required Libraries**LibAddonMenuSlash Command for Menu: /cqmI often have trouble trying to find that little white arrow in the visual overload of colors, explosions, aoe effects, UI, etc. This is an attempt to make those quest mark