
SearchByNote 作者: Schrodi

Allows searching friends and guild roster by note contents

Royal Guildhalls 作者: Klainor

[EN]Addon for fast travel to the guildhalls of the Royal guild.In the guild halls there are all the Stones of Mundus, all the set, crafting stations, various dummies for training and many other useful services.Guildhall EN @Ilbirs - stations sorted fr

Rose Guildhalls 作者: Kay.Cee

Dependencies: LibAddonMenu, LibCustomMenu, and OdySupportIcons(for Rose Icons in guild roster and chat) Rose Guilds is a collection of active and welcoming social guilds in ESO.We play on PC EU but ALL players are welcome to our Discord server. [Discord

RawrGuildhall 作者: sityDJVEN25

Rawr guildhall teleporter. Adds guildhall button to the chat menu.

RaidManager 作者: blackmetallive

RaidManager AddOn allows you to submit your CP level and obtained achievements to the RaidManager website https://www.esoraidmanager.comNeeded if you want to attend raids with minimum requirements to CP level, DPS or achievements.Open the AddOn in game

PrideGuildhall 作者: sityDJVEN25

Pride guildhalls teleporter. Adds buttons to the guilds menu.

Port to Jo (aka Fast Port to Group Leader) 作者: Tazmyr

Port to Jo enables fast teleport to your Group Leader with either a single (bound) Keystroke, or slash command. Great for Zone Stomps, or any activity when you would like to port quickly and easily to your Group Leader, especially if you do it often.(T

Port to H's House 作者: HUMILIATION115

Simple addon that adds a chat command to port to my primary house which includes:- All crafting stations- All Mundus stones- Transmutation station- Trial target dummiesUse /hhouse to port to my primary.

PB 作者: alexdragian

Now Pixel Booty addon to help Pixel Booty guild members, and members of other guilds.Some guild related management as well as other quality of life enhancements.Features:* Hide map icons like house previews or way shines from the overworld map.* Hide