
Added Info - Group Window 作者: MrPikPik

The big rewrite is finally here! The Addon has been rewritten from the ground up using more appropiate methods to achieve the result as I learned a lot over the years of making addons for ESO. Please report any bugs or issues you find as testing every co

CraftingHouse 作者: PrimeRibeye

If you lack a guild hall or house with all you need be sure to download this addon! It allows you to port to a house that has ALL crafted set stations, generic stations, and mundus stones. The home also features resource shrine, vampire shrine, trial pars

Troop Transport - Group Travel Simplified 作者: KermitTheFrog88

Troop Transport Troop Transport is a lightweight addon to simplify travel while in a group. An ideal addon for users regularly in overland farm groups or guild/event groups where frequent travel to other group members is required. (Dolmen farms, Pub dun

Group & Activity Finder Extensions 作者: Panicida

Adds a bit of extra functionality and info to the Group & Activity Finder UIIMPORTANT: This addon use ZOS Dungeon Mode to decide which activities to choose. This means that if you have normal selected only normal activities will be selected. On the ot

Golden Light Guild Hall Portal 作者: Lerozain

Golden Light (PC NA) guild members can now teleport to the guild hall easier than ever before!This addon will add a new button to your chat window which can be used to easily teleport you to the guild hall.You may also use the added slash command ("/glh

Port to Jo (aka Fast Port to Group Leader) 作者: Tazmyr

Port to Jo enables fast teleport to your Group Leader with either a single (bound) Keystroke, or slash command. Great for Zone Stomps, or any activity when you would like to port quickly and easily to your Group Leader, especially if you do it often.(T

RaidManager 作者: blackmetallive

RaidManager AddOn allows you to submit your CP level and obtained achievements to the RaidManager website https://www.esoraidmanager.comNeeded if you want to attend raids with minimum requirements to CP level, DPS or achievements.Open the AddOn in game

FCO Guild Lottery (Raffle, guild members... 作者: Baertram

FCO Guild Lottery (Raffle, guild members joined list, dice throws & history)This addon can be used as a dice throw addon and a guild sales lottery/raffle addon, based on the sales ranking of the guild's sales history data of the last x days (default

GuildBankMule 作者: Xorzoo

with guild bank open, type slash command:Code:/gbmthis will transfer all "Materials" from backpack to current guild bankCode:/gbm.scanthis will do a dry run and print out what will be depositedAdded Roomba support, will kick re-stacking if guild ba