
MemeSupportIcons - icon pack for OdySupp... 作者: def venom

Meme icons for Ody's. If I missed your favorite, please leave a comment and I will add them in a future update.DEPENDENCIESOdySupportIcons

Rose Guildhalls 作者: Kay.Cee

Dependencies: LibAddonMenu, LibCustomMenu, and OdySupportIcons(for Rose Icons in guild roster and chat) Rose Guilds is a collection of active and welcoming social guilds in ESO.We play on PC EU but ALL players are welcome to our Discord server. [Discord

Troop Transport - Group Travel Simplified 作者: KermitTheFrog88

Troop Transport Troop Transport is a lightweight addon to simplify travel while in a group. An ideal addon for users regularly in overland farm groups or guild/event groups where frequent travel to other group members is required. (Dolmen farms, Pub dun

FastReset 作者: m00nyONE

FastResetThis addon is made for players who want to complete trifectas in trials with their groups.Are you tired of resetting the instance all the time? Port out, port back in? Then someone forgets to refill his ultimate & the first trash starts with

Neli's Misfits Guild Hall 作者: kylecwhite1

Neli's Misfits Guild HallDependencies:You will need these for the addon to function correctly.- LibCustomMenu- LibAddonMenuThe addon is for the members of Neli's Misfits on the PC-NA server. You will see a gold crown on the other side of the mail but

Bandits Guildhall 作者: Hoft

Дополнение для участников гильдий Сообщества Bandits.Добавляет в стандартный интерфейс гильдий кнопки для быстрого перемещения в гильдейск

FCO Guild Lottery (Raffle, guild members... 作者: Baertram

FCO Guild Lottery (Raffle, guild members joined list, dice throws & history)This addon can be used as a dice throw addon and a guild sales lottery/raffle addon, based on the sales ranking of the guild's sales history data of the last x days (default

Port to Jo (aka Fast Port to Group Leader) 作者: Tazmyr

Port to Jo enables fast teleport to your Group Leader with either a single (bound) Keystroke, or slash command. Great for Zone Stomps, or any activity when you would like to port quickly and easily to your Group Leader, especially if you do it often.(T