
SearchByNote 作者: Schrodi

Allows searching friends and guild roster by note contents

Xynode's All About Mechanics 作者: Kukee2018

View videos of mechanics on the webpage: https://www.xynodegaming.com/allaboutmechanicsWatch an overview of the add on: OverviewXynode Gaming LTD YouTube Channel Having problems completing that group content?All About Mechanics gives you guides on th

RawrGuildhall 作者: sityDJVEN25

Rawr guildhall teleporter. Adds guildhall button to the chat menu.

Chronicles of the Universe Guildhall 作者: Standdarddeviations

Chronicles of the Universe (COTU) has a guild hall accessible for all members of Chronicles of the Moon and Chronicles of the Sun guilds. After installing the addon it will show you a button in the chat menu. If you click the COTU logo it will port you

Hermes 作者: Niwasaka

DEHermes ist in der griechischen Mythologie der Schutzgott des Verkehrs, der Reisenden, der Kaufleute und der Hirten, andererseits auch der Gott der Diebe, der Kunsthändler, der Rhetorik, der Gymnastik und somit auch der Palästra und der Magie.Aber i

Sparta 作者: Nodagoscha

Seas of Oblivion Guild Hall 作者: Oceanbluee

Seas of Oblivion Guild HallThe purpose of this addon is to provide members of the Seas of Oblivion Guild with a quick and easy way to teleport to the guild hall! By clicking the Seas logo on the chat, it creates a dropdown menu that gives you a few opti