
Taz's Chat Notifier 作者: Tazmyr

Are you missing Guild Chats, chats from Friends, or chats that have already scrolled-by?This addon let's you configure selected sounds for inbound Chats you don't want to miss.Features:- Select from 11 different sounds (or Disable) for EACH of these in

Bandits Guildhall 作者: Hoft

Дополнение для участников гильдий Сообщества Bandits.Добавляет в стандартный интерфейс гильдий кнопки для быстрого перемещения в гильдейск

FastReset 作者: m00nyONE

FastResetThis addon is made for players who want to complete trifectas in trials with their groups.Are you tired of resetting the instance all the time? Port out, port back in? Then someone forgets to refill his ultimate & the first trash starts with

MotD Announcements 作者: RisTanA

This addon will display your guild message of the day (MotD) in your chat window and as a center screen announce.Displays a message upon login, UI reset or MotD update for your MotD.Settings are available to hide chat or center screen announce and set t

Auto Guild Welcome 作者: Phobus11

Automatically welcome new guild members with a custom message for any guild you belong to. Just hit enter once the welcome message is loaded into the chat window.Don't be a stranger ... be nice and welcome one and all to your guild family.Donations are

ITTs Roster Bot ( ITT RB ) 作者: JN Slevin

Dependencies: LibAddonMenu-2.0 LibChatMessage LibGuildRoster LibDebugLogger LibTextFilterOther Addons from ITT:ITTs Donation Bot - Keeps track of guild donations.ITTs Ghostwriter - Backup notes, send welcome mail, set note for newcomers.About99% of th

SMC Guild Halls 作者: sshogrin

This is an addon for friends and Guild Members of the SM&C Discord server.This adds 2 buttons to the chat window for easy traveling to either Guild Hall.Guild members of Stewards of Tamriel, Lords of Righteousness, Ambassadors of Tamriel, and all ot