
AKick 作者: Jar-Ek

Arcanum Artis GuildHall 作者: Niwasaka

DEEinfaches Dropdown-Menü welches es ermöglicht schnell zu einem der Gildenhäuser zu reisen. Des weiteren ist es jetzt möglich direkt zum Gruppenleiter zu reisen sowie innerhalb der jeweiligen Gruppe die eigene Dailies zu teilen (Entweder alle oder

Arkays Donation Reminder 作者: @DeadSoon

Guild bank donation reminder including automatic execution of donations.Dependencies:You need to install the following libraries separately:LibAddonMenu-2.0How to use:After installation you have to set up the addon in the addon settings (in the profiles

Arrow To The Knee GuildHalls 作者: animalu

Arrow To The Knee GuildHallsAdds Guild Halls button to the chat window.Only for Arrow To The Knee Guild!

Auto Complete 作者: Dolgubon

Auto Complete will finish slash commands and player names while you are typing them in. It acts similar to a browser filling in the URL you are typing.Example:Say you type /buc into the chatbox. The addon will show /bucketsplash. Whatever you didn't typ

Auto Guild Welcome 作者: Phobus11

Automatically welcome new guild members with a custom message for any guild you belong to. Just hit enter once the welcome message is loaded into the chat window.Don't be a stranger ... be nice and welcome one and all to your guild family.Donations are

Auto Kick 作者: peniku8

Auto Kick:The final puzzle piece for guild automation:If you're already familiar with my addon "Auto Ranks", then the name "Auto Kick" alone should be self-explanatory. It does exactly what its name suggests: it automatically removes players from guilds