
Exterminatus Group Leader - Updated 作者: amuridee

original file by Exterminatus.EU presents extGroupLeaderextGroupLeader is a plugin for Elder Scrolls Online that allows you to track your group leader.SettingsModesMode: Elastic Reticle Arrows: Your target reticle will have two additional arrows, one o

Extended Friendlist 作者: akamatsu02

A separate friendlist with unlimited slotsThe window opens when you go to your friendlist-> alternative: /eflFunctions:- Whisper- Invite to group- Send friend invite- Send Mail- Remove from listAdd players:- right click a user in chat- type t

Essential Housing Tools 作者: Cardinal05

The library "LibAddonMenu" is required to use this add-on.For players that only want to use the Open House, Guest Journal, Favorite Homes and Recent Homes features of Essential Housing Tools we now offer the Housing Hub add-on as a light-weight alternati

ESOPager 作者: Minceraft

ESO Thief 作者: Zakaylis

The Black Sky (NA) presents:ESO Thief: City of ThievesThief addon for group Justice contests. Tracks group loot (regardless of location) and a few other things. Extremely handy for stealing events. - Only group leader needs the addon. - Not required by

DuesPaid 作者: TuckerScorpions

DuesPaid is a reminder addon to pay your guild dues.DuesPaid has 4 settings in the options menu.1) Display the message in a popup window or the notifications window2) The day to show your message3) Custom header to display4) Custom message to display

Dragon Lair Weyr Run 作者: Hochbrawn

The DragonLair Weyr Run addon records the loot items and value for the entire group, with a running Dragon Hoard total.The seven bar graphs represent the value of items looted as follows:From left to rightBlacksmithing (Raw Materials, Patterns and Furn

DontLeaveGuild 作者: uberswe

This removes the X button to leave guilds to prevent accidentally leaving a guild. It's still possible to leave a guild but you would need to right click your name in the roster and select "Leave Guild".

Donation Tracker 作者: Libum

VERSION 1.2x-----------------Now includes guild bank tracking, right now it only refreshes whenever you log into a character. However, you can force an update with "/dtgbupdate". You need to set a guild in the settings menu.Description----------------