
PB 作者: alexdragian

Now Pixel Booty addon to help Pixel Booty guild members, and members of other guilds.Some guild related management as well as other quality of life enhancements.Features:* Hide map icons like house previews or way shines from the overworld map.* Hide

Otter Icons For Ody's 作者: mr_coops

Just some silly cute otter icons for Ody's.Made for the guild The Otterside

OdySupportIcons - Group Role Icons &... 作者: Odylon

With Version 1.10 an Workaround for old instances of LibAddonMenu-2.0 (LAM) was removed from OSI, as it conflicted with future development of LAM.If you experience problems since the last update, e.g. screen gets blurry or lua errors mentioning ZO_Screen

Notebook 2018 作者: Phuein

Gift me @phuein in-game, if you have extra crowns and appreciate my addons. (Ask me which DLC I didn't get yet!) Thank you!This is a changed, updated, and fixed version of the addon Notebooks by Glen348 that is now outdated. There is only one notebook n

Nirn Icons 作者: KingBloodWings

Simple ajout d’icône supplémentaire pour OdySupportIcons.Dépendance : - OdySupportIcons

Neli's Misfits Guild Hall 作者: kylecwhite1

Neli's Misfits Guild HallDependencies:You will need these for the addon to function correctly.- LibCustomMenu- LibAddonMenuThe addon is for the members of Neli's Misfits on the PC-NA server. You will see a gold crown on the other side of the mail but

MotD Announcements 作者: RisTanA

This addon will display your guild message of the day (MotD) in your chat window and as a center screen announce.Displays a message upon login, UI reset or MotD update for your MotD.Settings are available to hide chat or center screen announce and set t