
Solaris 作者: Fosterwerks

A timeline bar showing the day/night cycles of the game over a two day (real-time) period. Deliniation marks are at midnight and noon. Real-time indicator arrow will reset at midnight of the current day and repopulate the line with the next 48 hours of in

Top Tier Crafting Bar 作者: Jodynn

Show's you the top tier crafting nodes in an easy to read barRequires LibAddonMenu-2.0Settings- Icon size- Movable- Warning Amount : Changes color of the amounts you have as well as logs a message if logging is on.- Log- HUD : Whether or not you want

Time Converter 作者: calexus1986

This addon allows you to convert a time to a different time zone through a simple chat box command.Once installed, please set your local time zone by using the command "/convert set " followed by your time zone.You can check your set time zone by using