
Added Info - Targeted Unit Frame 作者: MrPikPik

Display a characters race and class while targeting them.If you share a guild or are friends with that person it will be denoted by an icon.DependenciesLibAddonMenu-2.0Optional: Character Data Collector**) If you have that addon installed, this addon

AllAP 作者: Ace'r

AllAP is a simple addon to provide information about the AP gained on your characters and account overall.All commands can be found in-game using /ap help.The addon's base command:- /apdisplays the AP earned on the character you are currently ondispla

UnDead's Harvest Summary 作者: UnDead 0rbit

3.0 Update-Massive Code Rewrite-Imports all previously saved data, shouldn't need to reinput custom fields, but in the case of issues, delete the saved variables and reload-All user-requested features coming soonUI to Track Your Harvested Items.Shows

Guard Status 作者: MrPikPik

Adds a small window that displays the status of guard.It shows if and who you are guarding or if you are being guarded by someone.The UI widget becomes visible as soon as you have the guard skill equipped or if someone casts a guard on you.If you are g

Hyper Tanking Tools 作者: Hyperioxes

Hyper Tanking Tools is a set of trackers and other toolsDependencies:-LibAddonMenu-LibMsgWinDebuff Tracker:Tracks debuffs on current target and up to 6 bosses. You can set it up so it tracks different debuffs on current target frames and on boss frames

Wykkyd Achievement Tracker - Summerset API 作者: Casterial

Returning Users:Please freshly install this addon. Delete the old one entirely. This is just an API bump, but due to the gap in API it will cause a LAM2 error. Fresh install is a fix.Calia1120 & Ravalax Darkshire both worked on this addon and I am j