
CoordsAndHeading 作者: Andre

Displays coordinates of the char and his heading for unique location determination.I use it to make screenshots, which contain beside the What also the Where.slashs:/coh transparent/coh nottransparent/coh lock/coh unlock

ScrySpy 作者: Sharlikran

Thanks to the communityI appreciate all the in game bow emotes and thanks. However, so you do not think I am being rude, I only have whisper, group and guild chat enabled. If anyone has tried to say a kind and subtle thank you I didn't see it. You are w

HarvestPins 作者: Hatory

Icon replacer for "HarvestMap" addon.Redesigned 15 icons and the pin's style.For using only with HarvestMap AddOn.

VotansMapPinColorsSlim [Greymoor] 作者: frogpog

The library is required for the settings to work correctly:LibHarvensAddonSettingsThis mod has been trimmed to not other mods do not conflict with POI and Objectives on the map. And also if you only need to change the color of the quests.I didn't devel

Alik'r Dolmen Helper 作者: haipahaipa

I'm lazy and didn't want to click the same small wayshrines on the world map over and over again while dolmen farming, therefore I wrote this small addon.If you interact with one of the 3 wayshrines involved in Alik'r dolmen farming, you will automatical

World Map Wayshrines Controller 作者: ErianKalil

This addon allows you to control what to display on the Tamriel map.You can:Hide all the wayshrinesShow just the capital's wayshrinesShow or hide Dungeons or TrialsShow or hide owned or unowned HousesShow or hide Wayshrines, Dungeons, Trials and Hou

ResourceRadar 作者: Shinni

This addon is a lightweight alternative to HarvestMap.It will display nearby resources (blacksmithing, jewelry, woodworking, clothing, enchanting, alchemy) on the map, compass and highlight them in the 3d world. This works like the ability "keen eye" but

Elsweyr Mural Mender 作者: Kyoma

Elsweyr Mural MenderAdds map pins for the mural fragments needed for the Mural Mender achievement in Elsweyr.Required Libraries:LibAddonMenu-2.0LibMapPins-1.0CustomCompassPins

Wayshrine Tab Selector 作者: Kulturnilpferd

Description:Every time you go to a wayshrine it will open the location tab. That annoys me a lot when I am questing and change the map view via double click on quests. So I have developed this nice addon which you could define a default tab which is ope

HideHousePreviews on World Map 作者: Baumkuchen3

This addon does the following things: Options to hide preview icons for houses you haven't purchased (or only hide preview icons on the Tamriel map) Shows red question marks for undisvoered/new houses. Toggle displayed (and keybindable) on the World Ma