
NoJumpToLeader 作者: Verling

[EN]Canceling the teleport request to the group leader[RU]Отмена телепорта к лидеру группы

Call Assistant 作者: ObserverTim

This addon is for people who don't want to wear out the Collections Menu calling their assistants.It gives you new slash commands for all the various assistants./aderine/azandar/bastian/commerce/ember/ezabi/fezez/ghrasharog/giladil/hoarfrost/i

New Life Festival 作者: tim99

´Dependencies:LibAddonMenu-2.0 (which you very likely already have)Addon-Description:Should work in english, german, french and russianShows a small window with the festival quests:red: not done todaygreen: done todayorange: active quest in you

tim99s Toolbar 作者: tim99

My first addon, started mainly for testing and trying out. At first I didn't want to upload it, but a couple of friends wanted to use it too, so here we are. It started out as a combination of "wykyyds Toolbar", "Info Panel" and "The Elder Bar". I always

RandomMount 作者: Weolo

Originally, RandomMount was created by Weolo for nyalahalo. Since August 2022, it's been maintained by Origami.The purpose of this addon is to randomise selection of mounts, pets, and/or skins with options to choose which items you want enabled for ran

Cinematic Portal 作者: Alianym

Welcome to the Cinematic Portal!This is a simple utility that creates an AddOn menu where you can replay each of the currently-available tutorial cinematics in ESO. These are mostly the ones you can see by entering the different portals at the end of th

Swiss Knife 作者: Nesferatum

This addon was developed for our own needs and includes those functions that were needed directly by the author, as well as his friends. It has several functional modules, most of the default settings are turned off so that everyone can choose what he

TOM - Tamriel Online Messenger - Reborn 作者: P5ych3

TOM - Tamriel Online Messenger - RebornTOM was placed into the discontinued category shortly after update 34, and since I thoroughly enjoy it I wanted to change that. TOM is the best chat manager available right now so I made it a priority to bring it b