
Item Sets Summary Page Percentages 作者: tombaa

This was originally a small addon to add a total progress bar to the item sets collection, but with the arrival of the summary page in the Deadlands patch, the addon was updated to just add percentages to the summary page on the progress barsFind the cod

Eventor 作者: Ek1

One stop event add-on about the numerous ticket giving ESO events to keep track what you have done, how many and when. Keeps up your exp buff too. Also warns if you can't fit any more tickets.To be grown as a one stop event add-on that also tells what to

EchoExperience 作者: Echomap

Purpose:EchoExp writes events that happen to the player to chat, as they occur and if individually enabled. The Window and Tab outputted can be configured, as can the color of text.Required Libs: LibAddonMenu-2.0Optional Libs: LibShifterBox(for litany

Gold Ledger 作者: P5ych3

Gold LedgerGold Ledger was inspired by Ledger, and serves as a detailed gold manager for ESO. There are a handful of gold managers available on ESOUI of course, but few offer the features that come packaged with Gold Ledger in such a clean and precise ma

CompanionRapportToChat 作者: tim99

.Displays a chat message whenever rapport changesNo additional libs needed

HowLong 作者: muenchhausen

Need to foster your vanity?Reconsider your life choices?Or do you simply want to know HowLong ...have I been playing this gamenot just with one character.DerBombo already did a great job with PlayedAll, but I wanted to know the total amount in hour

Cinematic Portal 作者: Alianym

Welcome to the Cinematic Portal!This is a simple utility that creates an AddOn menu where you can replay each of the currently-available tutorial cinematics in ESO. These are mostly the ones you can see by entering the different portals at the end of th

Dark Brotherhood Spree DE 作者: tim99

This Addon is based on the mentioned ones, but supporting the german client (only).Dieses Addon basiert auf den Addons Dark Brotherhood Spree und CovetousCountess, nur eben für den deutschen Client bzw eingestellte deutsche Sprache.Das Addon blendet di

Armory Build Display 作者: tes4p00ner

Simple little addon that will display the icon and name of the currently selected Armory Station build on the screen. It will not show until you have visited and equipped a build from the Armory Station at least once. The display can be moved around with

Witches Festival 作者: tim99

.No additional libs neededDescription: Adds a small toolbar for completing the golden plunder skullsNotes: the skulls are accountwide, the quest is charwide since you can do it with each char (but i think of removing the quest, doesnt make too much se