
Darwin Award 作者: tombaa

WhatAttempts to keep track of how many times you have committed a criminal act in a city by casting a skill that's marked as one, and also attempts to keep a count of how many times you have died as a result/darwinaward to output current record to chat

Dark Brotherhood Spree DE 作者: tim99

This Addon is based on the mentioned ones, but supporting the german client (only).Dieses Addon basiert auf den Addons Dark Brotherhood Spree und CovetousCountess, nur eben für den deutschen Client bzw eingestellte deutsche Sprache.Das Addon blendet di

CompanionRapportToChat 作者: tim99

.Displays a chat message whenever rapport changesNo additional libs needed

Collection bars 作者: Jarth

Overview: (Show settings: "/cb")With this addon you can display selected collections (Default hotkey: "U") as bars in the UI.The bars can be shown as a part of a combined bar, or as a separate bar.OptionalDependsOn: LibDebugLoggerThe settings panel co

Cinematic Portal 作者: Alianym

Welcome to the Cinematic Portal!This is a simple utility that creates an AddOn menu where you can replay each of the currently-available tutorial cinematics in ESO. These are mostly the ones you can see by entering the different portals at the end of th

Call Assistant 作者: ObserverTim

This addon is for people who don't want to wear out the Collections Menu calling their assistants.It gives you new slash commands for all the various assistants./aderine/azandar/bastian/commerce/ember/ezabi/fezez/ghrasharog/giladil/hoarfrost/i

Armory Build Display 作者: tes4p00ner

Simple little addon that will display the icon and name of the currently selected Armory Station build on the screen. It will not show until you have visited and equipped a build from the Armory Station at least once. The display can be moved around with

Advanced Grass Toggle 作者: Valve

Allows for easy toggling of grass on and off in adddition to customisation of the grass render distance beyond the regular in-game setting options.Will override the in-game grass quality setting with the saved value for the account/character on load.Add