
ElderScrollsOfAlts 作者: Echomap

Addon/mod for Elder Scrolls Online - to keep general track of alts*Depends On: LibAddonMenu-2.0. So please install separately* Currently with a minimal UI, basic sorting, and at least some of the details I want to store/show. This addon only knows about

Guild Tickets 作者: attriel

Parse guild history (using libhistoire) for bank deposits that are a multiple of your "ticket cost"Can go across multiple days, prints each ticket deposit separatelyTo see all deposits for tickets that cost 2000 in the last week for your 3rd guild (/g3)

Kyzderp's Derps 作者: Kyzeragon

Kyzderp's Derps is, as the name suggests, a collection of miscellaneous features. I will most likely continue to add more random things in the future.Custom Target NameThis displays text that you can customize when your reticle is on a target. It was ma

Neltharions Cam Controler 作者: neltahrion11

Neltharions Cam Control V1.9Requirements: - LibAddonMenu- LibSavedVars This addon allows you to move and change the camera using keyboard shortcuts.There are also 8 memory slots in which you can save and recall different camera settings.In addition,

Trial Completion Counter 作者: MrPikPik

Counts how many times you completed veteran trials. Will count accountwide on all your characters combined."/trialcompletioncount" to see sorted list of how many times you completed every trial.

tralce's Collectible Keybinds - Companio... 作者: tralce

Tired of wasting a quickslot on things like Assistants, the Antiquarian's Eye, or certain often-used mementos? Assign them to a keybind instead!Questions? Comments? Donations? Hit me up in-game! @tralce, PC/NA. Hint: I really like treasure maps.When you

Easy Penetration Calculator 作者: Rednas

Version 0.9, there are a few things i still want to improve before i would like to call it 1.0.This addon shows a calculator for your penetration when you type /pen.With this calculator you can see how much pen you will have based on the gear, skills,

NoJumpToLeader 作者: Verling

[EN]Canceling the teleport request to the group leader[RU]Отмена телепорта к лидеру группы