
NTak Dialog 作者: NTak

Making tweaking easy: Camera / Dialog / Loot'n'StealIf you want to support my work, you can donate here or even become a patron.⸺ ⋅ ⋅ ⸺ ⋅ ⋅ ⸺ ⋅ ⸺ ⋅ ⸺(Contact me to add another language)DESCRIPTIONThis addon includes many dialog f

Item Sets Summary Page Percentages 作者: tombaa

This was originally a small addon to add a total progress bar to the item sets collection, but with the arrival of the summary page in the Deadlands patch, the addon was updated to just add percentages to the summary page on the progress barsFind the cod

FastReset 作者: m00nyONE

FastResetThis addon is made for players who want to complete trifectas in trials with their groups.Are you tired of resetting the instance all the time? Port out, port back in? Then someone forgets to refill his ultimate & the first trash starts with

AutoRidingTraining 作者: Myzael

DescriptionAutomatically trains riding skills when talking to a stablemaster.The default priority for maxing out the skills is:speedcapacitystaminaDid this in order to save a bit of my time while training riding skills of all my 8 alts.Supported

RealCP 作者: MrPikPik

With the raise of the CP cap to 3600 in Update 29 (ESO 6.3.5 - Flames of Ambition) this addon is rendered obsolete!This tiny addon displays the actual amount of earned champion points of a player after they hit the current champion points cap of 810.It

Gold Per Hour 作者: satchmo1991

A simple addon that uses LibPrice to calculate the value of all the items and gold you loot and displays the total value per session, and your current gold per hour rate.This addon is useful to compare different farming routes or locations, or to keep tr

ESOPie - Extensive Quickslots 作者: FiveStar

ESOPie - Extensive Customizable Quickslots ESOPie is a radial action-binding addon inspired by the similarly named World of Warcraft addon OPie by cfxfox that provides up to 6 ring bindings of up to 12 usable slots much like the Quickslot feature.Nested

TraitBuster 作者: Jacoboon

TraitBuster 1.1Identify duplicate items waiting to be trait researched.This addon is extremely specific in it's design. It was created to free up space in your bank that is needlessly taken up by duplicate pieces of gear waiting to be researched. If y