
QuickMute 作者: Tyx

QuickMuteby @TyxA small addon for Elder Scrolls Online (no affiliation), to quickly mute the complete audio, the sound or the music.Create a shortcut to quickly mute the complete audio, the sound or the music. If you use the shortcut again, the audi

FCO Accessibility 作者: Baertram

FCO AccessibilityThis addon depends on the following libraries:LibAddonMenu-2.0LibAddonMenu Sound Slider WidgetLibGPSThis addon was created for (slightly) blind players and aims to use the accessibility mode of ESO, like the chat reader, to provide infor


Super lightweight 1 KB addonLimits foreground and background FPSUsage: /zfps foreground backgroundExample: /zfps 65 20Default: 65 20 (recommended)

Encounter Toggle 作者: Turbo1

DescriptionLightweight addon which adds a keybind to toggle encounter logging. Additionally upon entering a Trial, Arena or Dungeon, it will show if encounter logging is currently active or inactive. Comes in handy after reloading ui, resetting the cur

IsJusta Utility Radial Menu Combat Safety. 作者: IsJustaGhost

Works in Gamepad Mode and Keyboard/Mouse ModeThis is just a simple addon that prevents cycling through the categories of the Utility Wheel while in combat.It does not change any other functionality. When Quickslot radial menu is showing, while in comba

Jukebox - Menu Music Randomizer 作者: MrPikPik

With the new option to select what music to play in the main menu, I thought it would be cool, if it would shuffle trough the title themes automatically.This addon will allow you to make a playlist of menu themes you want to play and set some basic rules

Franz' Banana Counter 作者: Orejana

This little addon counts looted bananas for yourself and your group - there is a counter each for your group and for yourself that resets daily as well as a counter each that counts your total looted banana. Only German text supported at the moment.Da

Mudballed - Memento Counter 作者: Kyzeragon

Just a little addon that keeps track of who you hit with mudballs, snowballs, revelry pies, cherry blossoms, and murderous crows. And vice versa, of course.Tally UIThe UI can be enabled or disabled in the addon settings, or the following commands:/mudbal