
Jump Out Alert 作者: czerepx

This addon will just warn you in chat if you have a finished or unfinished daily quest in the zone you are jumping out of. If you get the alert, you may reconsider and cancel the jump if needed.It's not perfect, but it helped with my problem of constantl

Auto Accept Duel 作者: GhostGat

Auto Accept Duels/chadmode to turn on/bitchmode to turn off

Quiet Death, No Screams 作者: Kelinmiriel

Are you a tender-hearted animal lover who cringes when you hear the death cries of the virtualcreatures in ESO?Then this addon is for YOU!All it does is silence death screams (and other "effects") during (and for a few seconds after) combat.Unfortunat

tralce's Vanity Keybinds - Costumes, Po... 作者: tralce

Ever wanted to swap Costumes, Polymorphs, Mounts, Pets, or more on the fly? Now you can!Questions? Comments? Donations? Hit me up in-game! @tralce, PC/NA. Hint: I really like treasure maps.When you unlock a collectible, you must /reloadui or re-log befor

Jump 作者: uberswe

As requested by @Davaco and a big thanks for helping me test this addon.This addon counts the number of jumps you perform as a player. It gives three categories: Lifetime, Group and Combat jumps.Use the following commands to see various stats and whatn

ShapeShifter 作者: voidbiscuit

Basic Addon for flipping between Mounts, Skins, Pets and Titles.It still needs a lot of work! /ssdebug - Debug/ssskin - Randomise skin upon unblocking/ssmount - Randomise mount on dismount/sspet - Randomise pet on dismount/sstitle - Flip titles upon

Hide Smugger Fee 作者: kawamonkey

Hides the % fee for fencing through Pirharri the Smuggler since her prices already reflect it

Baandari Trading Post 作者: kawamonkey

Adds the missing space in the name of Baandari Trading Post Wayshrine

Shut Up, Rolis Hlaalu! 作者: Traybair

When one turns in an inventory's worth of master writs, Rolis Hlaalu’s voice lines can become repetitive and annoying. This addon makes sure that you never have to hear him again. What this addon does:When the player opens dialog by interacting with Ro

Darwin Award 作者: tombaa

WhatAttempts to keep track of how many times you have committed a criminal act in a city by casting a skill that's marked as one, and also attempts to keep a count of how many times you have died as a result/darwinaward to output current record to chat