
Craft Bag Keybind 作者: autocatalyst

An extremely simple addon which allows you to toggle the "Auto-Add to Craft Bag" setting with a keybind. Especially helpful for farming.Note that there is no default keybind, you must set it in the Controls menu.Special thanks to Aldanga for helping me

Dark Brotherhood Spree 作者: Chazwazer

This addon is based off of the CovetousCountess addon.It works just like it, except instead of the CovetousCountess quest, it only allows you to accept Spree Contracts from the Dark Brotherhood Marked for Death contract book and removes the possibility t

Dark Brotherhood Spree DE 作者: tim99

This Addon is based on the mentioned ones, but supporting the german client (only).Dieses Addon basiert auf den Addons Dark Brotherhood Spree und CovetousCountess, nur eben für den deutschen Client bzw eingestellte deutsche Sprache.Das Addon blendet di

Dark Brotherhood Spree ZH 作者: NeiL978

Original Addons Dark Brotherhood Spree by Chazwazer.This is just update zh language for Simplified Chinese Client.Only English and Simplified Chinese are supported.此插件是為了方便在黑暗兄弟會的標記之書中過濾掉其他非殺戮盛

Darwin Award 作者: tombaa

WhatAttempts to keep track of how many times you have committed a criminal act in a city by casting a skill that's marked as one, and also attempts to keep a count of how many times you have died as a result/darwinaward to output current record to chat

DecoTrack 作者: Cardinal05

DecoTrackAutomatically maintain a database of the furniture items you have throughout all of your homes, characters, bank, storage coffers and storage chests.Just visiting your bank, your homes and your storage chests and coffers catalogs the furniture p