
CovetousCountess ZH 作者: NeiL978

Original Addons CovetousCountess - Abah's Watch farming helper by Shinni.This is just update zh language for Simplified Chinese Client.So Original Addons already supported English, French, German. and Now Simplified Chinese are added.此插件是為了

AutoReadyCheck 作者: SirWoach

Automatically accept group ready checks and activity finder events.Supported Events Group Ready ChecksNormal and Veteran DungeonsBattlegrounds (Non Champion)Battlegrounds (LowLevel)AvA CampaignsTrials, Not yet implemented by ZOS but available in API

Companions Companion (Rapport+) 作者: AnotherORC

Companions Companion adds companion rapport information to a new tab on companion overview screen. This includes which activities will give you rapport and which ones will take it away.A notification system has also been included to remind you when activ

LanguageSwitcher 作者: m00nyONE

Just a simple LanguageSwitcher because i always forget the command to switch languages ingameusage:/language -> prints all available languages in chat/language REGION_CODE -> uses a language for the ui and reloadsthats it. nothing more

Dark Brotherhood Spree ZH 作者: NeiL978

Original Addons Dark Brotherhood Spree by Chazwazer.This is just update zh language for Simplified Chinese Client.Only English and Simplified Chinese are supported.此插件是為了方便在黑暗兄弟會的標記之書中過濾掉其他非殺戮盛

Descendants Support Set Tracker 作者: Sven_re

DependenciesLibAddonMenu 2.0LibSetsOverviewThis AddOn is designed for Support Players who don't want to maintain an Excel sheet of their available gear anymore.You can track which sets you own across Characters and which would be able to reconstruct wi

DungeonOrder - Alphabetical order for Du... 作者: KrykiZZ

[EN]Changes standart order of dungeons list to alphabetical.Works for all languages.[RU]Изменяет стандартную сортировку подземелий в списке на алфавитную.Работает на всех язы

Jack of all Trades - Automatic CP Respec 作者: CyberOnEso

Automatically adjust your green champion bar depending on what you want to achieveNew with V.1.2 Adjust which slot each star gets slotted into.CraftingAutomatically slots Master Gatherer and Plentiful Harvest when you start harvesting a crafting node.Au