
AIRG-Unof.patch-Fixes36 作者: pesakm

Added motifs:Y'ffre's WillDrowned Mariner(also prepared another 2 motifs that not have achievement yet)

Qcell's DSRHelper. LangPatch 作者: t.vicson

Language-patch for Qcell's Dreadsail Reef Helper (for any version of the original addon). Add support for Bosses's zones notifications (original EN, RU, DE, JP)Need some help for add other languages (FR, etc.). PM me or leave a comment with strings.

Updated Assistants for Lui Extended 作者: Nagolite

** As of 4 June 2022, has become unnecessary when ArtOfShred updated Lui Extended past 6.2.9 **LUI Extended (original/core) has been updated! Highly recommend 'uninstalling' this patch and reinstalling the original LUI Extended mod - welcome back ArtOfShr

pChat - jp Nickname Patch 作者: Marify

これはpChatで日本語ニックネームを追加表示するパッチです。(ギルド名簿のメモ欄から抽出します)必要なアドオン 下記リンクのアドオンが必要です pChat LibMarify LibAddonMenu-2.0(Englis

Advanced Filters - Dungeon sets filter 作者: notnear

This is a plugin for the "Advanced Filters - Updated" addon.Dependencies:Advanced Filters - Updated and LibSetsFeatures:Show only items that belong to a particular dungeon setShow only items that belong to any dungeon setUse command "/af_dungeonset"

SnapShot Export in UTC 作者: TheNickm2

This is a version of the absolutely amazing SnapShot addon by ObserverTim patched to export date/time using a standardized UTC time regardless of individual user time zone. Full credit to ObserverTim for this incredibly useful addon - I just made an extre