
Advanced Filters: Unknown Trait filter 作者: manavortex

This is a plugin for the amazing AdvancedFilters.Lets you filter for items with an unknown item trait, so you can mark everything as "reserve research" with FCOIS, or whatever else you might need this for.

RdK Group Tool Patcher 作者: Phuein

A small patcher for Sordrak's RdK Group Tool. It only modifies the addon, and requires RdK to be installed and active to do anything.The patcher and its functionality may deprecate, depending on further updates to RdK in the future!Modifications: At th

SuperStar - Waking Flame Update 作者: Armodeniz

This is the SuperStar updated for Waking Flame version of ESO(101031). Thanks to Ayantir and Sigo Dest for creating and maintaining this excellent addon for a long time. In order to allow those who love it to continue to use it, I created this patch.

JQL - sorted by categories 作者: eventHandler

Some work on Enodoc's todo list.rewrote code for sorting and displaying quest entries to be more genericnow quests are by zone/category, split into sectionsrudimentary support for different colors in-codeI would add color picking, font picking, collap

Assist Rapid Riding (Fixed) 作者: Borealis

Just a fixed version of the Assist Rapid Riding addon by Cloudor.Original: http://www.esoui.com/downloads/info1554-AssistRapidRiding.htmlThis version applies the new reference ID for the skill Rapid Maneuver.All credit for this wonderful addon goes to

Italian Scrolls Online - Traduzione Ital... 作者: Dusty82

Traduzione Italiana di Elder Scrolls Online a cura del Team di Italian Scrolls Online.Questo addon è in fase di sviluppo. Si consiglia di utilizzare Minion per avere sempre la versione più aggiornata.Puoi seguirci e contattarci tramite:- Twitch: Ita