
AIRG-Unof.patch-Fixes 作者: pesakm

New motifs including High Isle motifs.Fixed displaying motif chapters for characters, depends on:https://www.esoui.com/downloads/info3317-LibCharacterKnowledge.htmlFixed displaying motif chapters after High Isle update.Fixed displaying estimate resear

CoordsAndHeading Patch 1.0.2 作者: Jord56

CoordsAndHeading Patch 1.0.2 - Added the font color white and black as saved variables which mean you won't lose your font color - Added scaling functionality which also save/coh uitiny /coh uismaller /coh uismall /coh uibig /coh uibigger /c

CoordsAndHeading OverHaul! 作者: Jord56

CoordsAndHeading Complete OverHaul!Whats Changed?Everything! well in terms of functionality The only slash command is /coh and everything changeable is inside "Settings(Ingame)" - "Addons" - ""CoordsAndHeading". Dependency: In order for me to have eve

AIRG-Unof.patch-Fixes38 作者: pesakm

Added motifs:Scribes of MoraBlessed InheritorDead Keeper(also prepared another 2 motifs that not have achievement yet)