
BSC-CompanionInfo Extension 作者: DoonerSeraph

Extension for BSC Companion Info, adds features like XP bar for armor and weapon and skill tracking cooldown.

Patch for "Provision's TeamFormatio... 作者: DoonerSeraph

This addon is very simple, and depends on the original Provision's TeamFormation. All credit goes to him This is just a simple patch adding the Necromancer and Arcanist Class ID to the array.

Slip's Sanity's Edge Assist_LangPatch (D... 作者: Lost.Seeker

Hi friendsStarting with SSEA v2.3.4 this language patch is included in the original addon and is not needed.Remove patch from your addons folder.Привет друзьяНачиная с в.2.3.4 этот патч включен в оригиналь

Qcell's DSRHelper. LangPatch 作者: t.vicson

Language-patch for Qcell's Dreadsail Reef Helper (for any version of the original addon). Add support for Bosses's zones notifications (original EN, RU, DE, JP)Need some help for add other languages (FR, etc.). PM me or leave a comment with strings.

Qcell's RGHelper. LangPatch 作者: t.vicson

Language-patch for "Qcell's Rockgrove Helper" (for any version of the original addon). Add support for Bosses's zones notifications (original EN, RU, DE, FR, JP)If you whish add your language then PM me or leave a comment with strings.

AutoInvite - Updated 作者: amuridee

UpdateUpdated version for future update.Credit for Original Author: Sasky, Ayantir, Silentgecko for creating AutoInvite AddOnDependenciesLibAddonMenuOverviewSimple auto-invite addon - intended for use in Cyrodiil to quickly setup a group invite string

Dressing Room Original (2015) - Updated 作者: amuridee

This is just update API version and a little adjustments to some of the Lib used only for the original Addons DressingRoom by dividee for future Update. Check the 0.6.2 changelog for more detail.I use this addons for personal use only! feel free to us

Display Leads - with Location Info - JP... 作者: sora0v0

This is simple, it can translate to Japanese until deadland update's leads.After install Original addon , to install it.(https://www.esoui.com/downloads/info2651-DisplayLeads-withLocationInfo.html)This update for after necrom(9.0.0).このパッチは