Keep Door 作者: Verling

Shows where the doors of the fortresses are located.

CyroDeal module: CyroGroup - Help with g... 作者: marlonbrando

Dependencies:CyroDealThis addon provides some added functionality to make life a little easier in Cyrodiil.Provides a way to automatically scrape Discord info from guild page and send it to group chat.Adds an extra "always accept" option when accept

Xvfoo - The Clever Alchemist 作者: Xorzoo

Credits: ESO UIClever Alchemist Helper by adjutantClever Alchemist Potion blocker by gr1mr4aperCleverOdymist - Clever Alchemist Potion Blocker by OdylonDisclaimers:This was a personal addon, it is made because I couldn't find any Clever Alch

FCO GuildCampaign 作者: Baertram

FCO GuildCampaignAddon designed for PvP guilds: Add an icon at your guild rosters (for enabled guilds) showing if your guild members of other alliances are currently in the same campaignId as you are, or not.This addon is still in beta mode so if you fi

Ayleid Wells 作者: Verling

[EN]The addon shows the location of the Ayleid wells on the location map.Thanks to Odilon for the idea and for the data of wells, Sharlikran[RU]Аддон показывает на карте локаций расположение Айлейдски

Potion Taken Sound Fix & Alerts 作者: Trader08

v1.10 Performance Optimizations UpdateNEW! v1.09-Text-to-chat options that can be read by ESO's Accessibility Narrate Chat settingv1.10- Performance optimizations + Liquid efficiency fix + Accessibility text color optionsYou can always have your say in

PvDoor 作者: skineh

Is PvP gatekeeping your fun time with doors?!Stop being bamboozled by keeps and use PvDoor.PvDoor will help you reclaim your confidence as you bravely fight the many doorways in Cyrodiil.Thanks to PvDoor, you'll no longer look like an inept buffoon bec

RdK Group Tool 作者: Sordrak

RdK Group Tool is an AddOn which has been developed for PvP. The goal of it was to reduce the amount of AddOns used to one (for our group). Therefore, the AddOn contains both, already known functionality and new functionality.I began developing almost 2

LGM - Lilith's Group Manager 作者: Drummerx04

As a spiritual successor to AutoInvite, LGM is designed to fit the needs of anyone who forms a group ever, with savable groups, simplified automatic invites, offline kick, and an in depth group death recap tracker... because why not?The LGM interface is